Friday, January 9, 2009

Overthinking things......It's What I do

Here it is: My first post. Yesterday I set up my blog, editing and rearranging and editing again. I had some great ideas of things to make a fantastic first post, a great first impression if you will. When I was ready to start the actual "blog" I started to rethink my original words and then came up blank. So much for my Nobel prize in Journalism. Sorry Mr. Swett, I've let you down.
Last night was my Kindergartener's first Christmas Program. The first one was delayed due to snow. As always, it was an entertaining show. The children worked hard and did great! I always love to see the girls dressed up in their beautiful red Christmas dresses. Heck, I am happy if I can get my boys to wear something besides sweatpants! So as you can see, we settled for jeans, tennis shoes, a sweater and an untucked undershirt. That's dressed up - Oregon style!

I've decided instead of overthinking my blog posts, I vow to, like most other bloggers, just type it as it comes. Remember, I am random! What do I have to worry about? Not like anyone will be reading this. I will also try to apply this thinking to my daily life, so many things are out of our control, just take it as it comes, day by day. Scouts honor.

So to end my post with my groundbreaking journalism skills, here is a video of my little performer. You can't miss him, he's the one in the middle waving, whispering sweet nothings in the ear of the poor girl next to him and bowing excessively at the end of each performance. Boy, I'm sure glad he doesn't like to be the center of attention.........Like father, like son.

1 comment:

  1. welcome to the wild world of blogging!!! i'm happy to have you here. GREAT start.
